Friday, August 21, 2009

Video of Wiggling Kido

This is a video of Kaitlyn wiggling. This is some of the more calm wiggling that she does. Anyway it is quite cute. Side note: Dad did not know that the camera used had audio.


Martha said...

congratulations! she is an absolutely adorabe and beautiful little girl. :) I can't believe how cute and active she is already. let me know if you guys need anything.

Malarie and Jader said...

Congrats Sam!!! She is beautiful! I'm so so happy for you!

Tyler and Carisa said...

She's Gorgeous!!! I can't wait to meet her!

Cathy said...

So, so cute! She is beautiful!

Jeff and Julie said...

Congratulations, Sam! She is a beautiful baby. I hope you're feeling okay.